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Asylum Application and Withholding of Removal Form I-589 Immigration Guide


Your guide to applying for asylum and withholding removal from the United States

What is the purpose of Form I-589?

Form  I-589 Application for Asylum and for Witholding from Removal is used to apply for asylum in the United States. You may wish to file this form if you are a refugee who left your country as a result of fear of persecution.

Who can file for asylum in the U.S.?

You may be considered for asylum status if you are physically present in the United States and you are not a U.S. citizen. To be eligible for asylum you must prove that you are a refugee who is unable or unwilling to return to his/her country of residence due to a fear of persecution on the basis of race, religion, nationality, affiliation with a particular group, or political opinion.

Form I-589 Application for Asylum and for Witholding from Removal is also used as an application to withhold removal from the United States. Even if asylum is not granted, you may still be eligible for withholding of removal.
It is vital that you submit your application for asylum within 1 year of arriving in the U.S..  Asylum cases are complex and time consuming. Contact a knowledgeable immigration lawyer in Springfield, VA to determine if you qualify for asylum.

Will my country of residence know I am filling for asylum?

No. The information provided on your application will be used by the United States government to determine if you may stay in the U.S. No information will be provided to any country from which you are a refugee.

How to enter data to fill out Form I-589 Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal?

  1. You can either directly type the information using a computer or print the information legibly in black ink (write the information by hand using black ink and make sure to write clearly and legibly) on Form N-600 Application for Certificate of Citizenship.
  2. Do not leave any questions unanswered, if the questions is not applicable to you or the answer is “none” then write down “none” or if the question is not applicable then write down “N/A.”
  3. If more space is required use an additional sheet and write the following information at the top of each page:

a. Alien Registration Number or A-Number (if any)

b. Part and item number relating to the answer on Form I-589 Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal

c. Date and sign the sheet

4. Do not forget to properly complete and sign Form N-600 Application for Certificate of Citizenship. You must submit the original signed copy to USCIS and not a photocopy. Your application will be rejected if it does not have an original signed signature.

You may wish to discuss and consult with an immigration attorney in Springfield VA for your case. This ensures that you submit all the required fees, forms, and evidence at one time to USCIS for your Form I-589 Application for Asylum and Withholding of Removal. An immigration lawyer located in Springfield VA is minutes from Alexandria, Woodbridge VA, Arlington, Annandale, and the DC Metropolitan area to help with Form I

What information do I need to submit with my I-589 Application for Asylum and Withholding Removal?

-General conditions in the country from which you are seeking asylum

-The specific facts on which you are relying to support your claim

-The completed, signed original and two copies of your completed application Form I-589

-An additional copy of your completed application Form I-589 with supplementary statements for each of your family members (if applicable)

-3 copies of primary or secondary evidence of relationship, such as birth or school records of your children and marriage certificate (if applicable)

-One passport style photo

-3 copies of all passports or other travel documents

-Other identification documents you may have

**Any document containing foreign language submitted to USCIS must be accompanied by a full English language translation that the translator has certified as complete and accurate, and by the translator’s certification that he or she is competent to translate from the foreign language into English.**

Where to mail your Form I-589 completed and signed application?

To get the most up to date address for your applicable USCIS field office location to mail your completed I-589 Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, visit USCIS and click on “Where to File.”

Hire an experienced immigration lawyer in Springfield, VA minutes from Fairfax, Arlington, and Alexandria Virginia to file and submit your application for asylum is filed and submitted correct to USCIS on time and error free! If you are in Springfield, VA, Fairfax, Arlington, or Alexandria hire an experienced immigration lawyer from your local area so you can meet in person and discuss your case in detail.

What happens after you have filed your Form I-589 Application?

If your initial application for asylum is accepted then you will be notified by the USCIS Asylum Office of the time, date, and place of a scheduled interview. You have the right to legal representation at your interview and may bring witnesses to testify on your behalf.

You are permitted to remain in the United States while your case is pending. After your asylum interview, if you have not been granted asylum and appear to be removable or inadmissible, your application will be referred to Immigration Court.

In order to leave the United States while your case is pending you must notify USCIS using Form I-131 Application for a Travel Document. If you leave without first obtaining advance parole USCIS will presume that you have terminated your application.

If you are granted asylum you will be permitted to work in the U.S. under certain conditions. (1) You may request permission to work if your asylum application is pending and 150 days have passed since your application was accepted by USCIS. (2) If your asylum application has not been denied within 180 days from the date of filing a complete asylum application, you may be granted permission to work by filing Form I-765 Application for Employment Authorization.

Link: Form I-598 Application for Asylum

Link: USCIS Guide Obtaining Asylum